


本文摘要:Uber has already raised billions of dollars from investors in the Western world. Now, it is close to receiving even more from one of the most powerful Internet companies in China.Uber早已取得了西方投资人数十亿美元的投资。

Uber has already raised billions of dollars from investors in the Western world. Now, it is close to receiving even more from one of the most powerful Internet companies in China.Uber早已取得了西方投资人数十亿美元的投资。如今,它将要从中国最强劲的互联网公司取得更加多资金。The start-up is close to securing an investment worth hundreds of millions of dollars from Baidu, China’s top search engine, a person briefed on the matter said on Friday.一名知情人士在周五透漏,这家初创企业将要取得中国仅次于的搜索引擎百度获取的数亿美元资金。The pending deal would come on top of a mammoth $1.2 billion financing round that Uber closed last week. Even with that huge sum of cash, the company left open the possibility of raising as much as $600 million, which a person close to the company suggested could come from a Chinese technology concern.Uber上周已完成了12亿美元的融资,将要达成协议的这笔交易将沦为这一轮融资的最高点。

即便早已取得如此巨额的资金,一名与该公司关系密切的人士回应,公司仍有可能从一家中国科技公司再行筹得高达6亿美元。Forging a partnership with Baidu could help Uber with its most ambitious goal to date: becoming the world’s private car service. No longer content with dominating the burgeoning “ride-share” business in the United States — an industry the company helped pioneer — it has set its sights on expanding its operations around the globe, including in China.与百度达成协议合作伙伴关系可以协助Uber已完成到目前为止最宏大的目标:沦为全球性的私人用车服务。作为美国的“下车”服务业先行者,Uber仍然符合于在很快发展的美国市场占有主导地位,转而将目光投向全球,打算在中国等国家拓展业务。Though Uber has become a behemoth, valued at about $40 billion by investors, it has struggled to compete in China against local competitors backed by that country’s other two Internet titans, the Alibaba Group and Tencent. The startup has operated in China for about a year.Joining with Baidu could provide a wealth of resources to help strengthen its operations there. The Chinese search giant is expected to provide Uber with access to its huge amount of data and its core map service.Uber早已出了一个庞然大物——投资者对它的估值大约为400亿美元——但它依然必须在中国与该国另外两个互联网巨头阿里巴巴集团和腾讯反对的输掉竞争。


Baidu could also help Uber in dealing with local authorities, a potentially important aid as the start-up grapples with regulatory pushback around the world. Spain, Thailand and several cities in India and the United States are among the regions that have banned Uber’s mainstay service, at least temporarily.百度还能老大Uber应付地方当局,这个协助有可能十分最重要,因为这家初创公司在世界各地都面对监管问题。西班牙、泰国,以及印度和美国的几座城市,都禁令了Uber的核心业务,最少继续如此。In return for its investment, Baidu will be allied with a mobile service that will help it be more competitive with Alibaba and Tencent.作为投资报酬,百度获得的是与一个交通服务的牵头,这将提升它在阿里巴巴和腾讯面前的竞争力。



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